
Jens Haas is an expatriate based in Manhattan, Berlin, and the Dolomites. Jens started Notes From Nowhere in December 2006. The images on this blog are part of his personal projects “Life in Exile,” “The Manhattan Project,” “What it is Like to be a Traffic Cone,” “The End of the Nuclear Winter,” “30 Dozen Eggs,” “Pax Americana,” and “The Mountain Project.” Some photos are made especially for NFN, to accompany the entries of guest authors. Portfolios of his personal work are at

Mara L., architect and chef, lives and works in Italy and Manhattan. Mara writes about the expatriate experience in New York City, and a wide range of culinary and cultural topics. Recently, she started to use one of Jens’ cameras.

Dr. Hare is a psychologist, with an office at the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Jens hardly ever keeps his appointments, though, so most of the counseling takes place in writing. Dr. Hare allowed Jens to post extracts from their correspondence on Notes From Nowhere. While the name Dr. Hare is a pseudonym, all other things regarding her existence on NFN are very true.

Naomi Kanin is a writer living in London and the most recent addition to NFN’s group of authors. She reports fearlessly on animal news worldwide and has also been assigned to cover unusual art projects. Her interest in the animal kingdom was sparked early in her life, by the study of—and love for—bears. Though she did not end up a biologist, she continues to take an interest in animal behavior and animal minds.

Stephen Mayes has been exploring photography in culture for thirty years, working closely with some of the most influential photographers and artists in photojournalism, fashion, art, and commerce. He is currently living in New York City, and is the Director of VII Photo Agency.

Dorothea Brooke is a writer living in New York City and can often be found in its resident parks. She prefers the radio to the newspaper, train-travel to flying; she has recently begun a collection of tea cups to accompany her taste for Russian Caravan. Dorothea has been assigned to report for Jens from remote locations, where she enjoys a kind of sabbatical.