It’s been some 20 years since I first watched Down By Law. I remembered, like a couple of million other people I guess, the prison scene. I did not remember Robby Müller’s stunning cinematography in what is not even my favorite Jim Jarmusch film. Now I wonder whether the sequences after the escape, shot in swamps and forests in the South, lingered in the back of my mind. When I watched Down By Law yesterday, I couldn’t help but think that the scenes in the swamp were part of the inspiration for my recent forest images. Anyway, it sure is nice to believe that not *all* of your youth was wasted!
Wisdom In Street Signs
Another Day, Another Traffic Cone 26
Like any other self-respecting publication in the Western hemisphere, we called our antenna specialist. We wanted to find out more about the iPhone 4 and eventually publish a super-well-informed piece. Turns out our specialist doesn’t care – she’s at the beaches of Montauk, with her new boyfriend. She called back from the Lighthouse, where the two read Hölderlin poems to each other. On top of that, she actually owns the iPhone 4, which kind of disqualifies her to blog about it. Disturbingly, when we received her call, the thing seemed to work.
Meanwhile, back in the city, I wonder what we’ll all do with our lives when Apple is no more. Yesterday’s press conference surely was disappointing. I found the company more refreshing when they told customers who didn’t like a product to give it back, go away, and f___ themselves. What’s up with the latest “We love our customers” nonsense?