On How Not To Get Raped In Prison – Part 1

For reasons too difficult to explain right now, I am auditing an Advanced Ethics class at Columbia University. I’ll get to the rape thing in a second.

If you take a philosophy class and read blogs, you will agree that philosophers are the exact opposite of ‘bloggers.’ The former assume that they know nothing. Starting from there, they try to find answers to the most basic questions. In Ethics, some of those questions are: What should I do? How should I live? What do I want? What are values? What are reasons? What are desires? What is ‘good’? What are value judgements? Are our actions free or determined?

The semester is far along. We’ve already covered G.E. Moore, John Stuart Mill, Shelly Kagan, Peter Railton, Immanuel Kant, Christine Korsgaard, Aristotle, David Velleman, Harry Frankfurt, Bernard Williams, Peter Strawson, Gary Watson, Derek Parfit, and a couple of others. For those of you who don’t recognize all or any of these names: lucky. There’s great density in most of these writings, sometimes obvious, and sometimes well concealed. And there is what I perceive as constant oscillation between the seemingly trivial and the exceedingly far fetched. It all adds up to one big worry on my mind: is it all worth it?

Anyway, going along, we discussed such views as that you should do what has the best consequences overall; what the ‘moral law’ tells you; what you as autonomous lawgiver tell yourself to do; what the virtuous person would do; what reflects your deepest commitments; and what not.

During the last class before Thankgsgiving, real life hit back hard (only in theory, of course). A student raised the question of how one might persuade a friend not to rob a bank. He suggested that one should tell him that, if he robs the bank, he’ll end up in prison, where he’s going to get raped. So it’s an easy choice after all. If you don’t want to get raped in prison, don’t rob a bank; end of story.

I thought: after almost a full semester of lectures – lectures that explored somewhat more high-minded reasons – this seemed like a convincing proposal. And: does the justice system, in admittedly mysterious ways, work after all?

Seems like a good time to take a break from student live, and take some more photos in the park…

What Typewriter Do You Use – Part 26

Every once in a while, I take a look at how Aperture measures up to Adobe Lightroom. With the latest 3.1 update, Apple apparently has fixed the most glaring performance issues that so far kept me from using it. To my own surprise, after spending more than two weeks processing a wide variety of images, and after experimenting with the web gallery and book tools, I’ve come to really like the whole package.

Why even bother to question the quasi default choice Adobe? Perhaps I just need a change. Perhaps I find Adobe too much stuck in the 1990s with their clumsy, yet heavy-handed marketing, and their outrageous level of customer service. So here is some recent work, straight from Aperture. I tried to achieve results that I similarly like with Lightroom as well, but couldn’t; it also took me longer to get the files to a level that was in the ballpark, although I know Lightroom much better.

Apple should still work on some performance issues. And they should make life easier for those, like me, who see value in the old Finder paradigm. Finally, why the Aperture install has to be almost eight times the size of Lightroom, I do not know (I can guess though: lazy coding; Aperture may be better, but not eight times better!). Those things aside, I think the time is not at all wasted to download both trials, and play with them for a couple of weeks.

Indiana II

While this looks like wilderness to me, there was a Starbucks no further than a ten minute walk away. And just another 15 minutes (by car), the best Chinese restaurant I ever had dinner at.

So what then, to me, is the biggest difference between the wilderness of America and the Dolomites, the only ‘wild’ place I’m really familiar with? I think it’s that in the Italian Alps nature is never just nature. I sometimes find myself picking a certain route because I know there’ll be a mountain hut that serves their cappuccino in exactly the way that feels right for that day. But perhaps that’s just what I’m used to…