Another Day, Another Traffic Cone 6

Ok, so my agent from Beverly Hills calls early this morning, frantically, demanding that I (“Honey, you’re really daft if you don’t do this!”) keep going with the “one-traffic-cone-a-day”-thing for another week, now that the masses have started flocking to it. Well, I wouldn’t have ended up where I am today if I hadn’t always done what other people told me, so here we go.

Copyright 2004 Jens Haas -

The unholy secret is, in order to make my upcoming book from this series consistent, I have to go through earlier images as well and apply some of my current techniques. Chasing the early images through Photoshop on top of the very latest ones (fully knowing that no sane person will ever see a difference anyway) sure feels like an exercise in self-torture. The above “Blue Velvet”-reference is almost four years old. For the rest of the week, I’ll only post new cones.